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Verified by Team Experts to Ensure Your Satisfaction

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Your Watch will Arrive Safely at Home with a Complete Protection

30 Days Store Warranty
We Go Beyond to Secure that You Receive the Best Service Possible
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Your trusted platform to sell your luxury watches with only 2% of Consignment Fee
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Consignment Collection

IDWX x TIKTOK Bali Collection

Who We Are
IDWX is the largest luxury watch marketplace and the convenient solution to sell, buy and trade your treasured timepiece in Indonesia.
Managed by professional watch dealer with years of experience and vast international networks, we are able to offer you valuable advice on the watches you desire, and supply them at great prices to you.
Saya salah seorang yang beberapa kali titip jual di IDWX. Kalau pelayanan dan responsible dari tim IDWX memang sangat profesional dan luar biasa. Dalam pencairan dana dan proses transaksi selalu tidak pernah ada masalah.
~ Mr. Yulianto G
Juli 2022
Saya sama IDWX udah beberapa kali beli dan jual. Transaksi selalu lancar, delivery cepat. Pernah sekali original rubber strap YM perlu ganti size, dan langsung diganti di hari yang sama. Service selalu oke, tanya langsung dibales, Pokoknya IDWX trusted bangetlah.
~ Mrs. Alicia Steffi T.
Juli 2022
Barang beli di IDWX aman semua, gak ada yang penyok or sejenisnya, packing bener-bener sempurna dan rapi, you guys really take seriously about the packing. Thank you very much once again hadiah-hadiahnya juga! Yang pasti kalau ada rezeki gw akan balik beli lagi di IDWX. Sukses selalu buat IDWX. Next kalau aku visit tokonya pasti tambah berkembang pesat. I'm sure about it!! Yang penting servicenya tetep good kayak gini!
~ Agustus 2022